Your Socks. Your Style.
Are you tired of plain (boring) white socks? We've got you covered.
At Society of Socks we strive to give every design a unique personality that is sure to stand out from the crowd.
So find your style, and wear them with pride. They're your socks, shouldn't they fit you?
Esix of e621.net
The winner of the design contest from our Divine Evolution Kickstarter. With permission from the fine folks at e621.net to use the likeness and name of Esix. Thanks to them for that!
- 12 in stock
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Snow Leopard 2.0
Gray with black and white accents, inspired by snow leopards, a redesign of one of our earliest designs to match our growth as a company and artists!
- 43 in stock
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Candy Cane Deer
Bring in the holidays, with notes of cinnamon, peppermint, and whipped cream!
- 57 in stock
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Oberon - Fae Pantheon
Oberon, King of Faeries. This is the ninth design of our Divine Evolution line, and the current sole member of the Fae Pantheon.
- 79 in stock
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Neon Cyan Fox
Our first poll sock, Neon Cyan Fox. This is the tenth design of our Divine Evolution line, featuring a digitally inspired design.
- 146 in stock
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Our sixth poll sock, the Peacock. This is the fifteenth design of our Divine Evolution line, featuring the loud and proud bird that just has to be seen.
- 146 in stock
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Skadi - Norse Pantheon
Skadi, lady of winter. This is the eighth design of our Divine Evolution line, and 2 of 2 of the Norse Patheon.
- 141 in stock
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Zeus - Greek Pantheon
Zeus, lord of the skies. This is the second design of our Divine Evolution line, and 2 of 4 of the Greek Patheon.
- 138 in stock
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Hephaestus - Greek Pantheon
Hephaestus, lord of the forge. This is the fourth design of our Divine Evolution line, and 4 of 4 of the Greek Patheon.
- 131 in stock
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Our first Divine Intervention sock, funded entirely by a customer, the Quetzalcoatl. This is the sixteenth design of our Divine Evolution line, featuring the feathered serpent of creation.
- 128 in stock
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Our fourth poll sock, the phoenix. This is the thirteenth design of our Divine Evolution line, featuring the mythical bird of flame and rebirth.
- 120 in stock
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Our third poll sock, the kobold. This is the twelfth design of our Divine Evolution line, featuring our favorite friends from tabletop gaming.
- 119 in stock
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Red Panda
Our second Divine Intervention sock, funded entirely by a customer, the Red Panda. This is the seventeenth design of our Divine Evolution line, featuring our favorite little fluffy friend that you wish you could pet.
- 115 in stock
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Our second poll sock, the griffon. This is the eleventh design of our Divine Evolution line, featuring an eagle-and-lion inspired design.
- 105 in stock
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Poseidon - Greek Pantheon
Poseidon, lord of the Sea. This is the third design of our Divine Evolution line, and 3 of 4 of the Greek Patheon.
- 104 in stock
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Anubis - Egyptian Pantheon
Anubis, lord of the dead. This is the fifth design of our Divine Evolution line, and 1 of 2 of the Egyptian Patheon.
- 102 in stock
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Freyja - Norse Pantheon
Freyja, lady of fertility. This is the seventh design of our Divine Evolution line, and 1 of 2 of the Norse Patheon.
- 102 in stock
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Der the Griffon
Our fourth Divine Intervention sock, funded entirely by a customer, featuring Der the Griffon. This is the nineteenth design of our Divine Evolution line.
- 102 in stock
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Candy Corn Cat
Three pairs of eyes stare at you from behind the bush... It's three friendly cats, inviting you to join them on a trick-or-treat night! This sock celebrates peaceful fall nights, companionship, and the sugary sweets of the holidays.
- 98 in stock
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A strange force breaches into our realm, offering power and popularity. At least your socks are looking good now! And they're looking, too...
- 95 in stock
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Fox 2.0
Orange with black, white, and red accents, inspired by foxes, a redesign of one of our earliest designs to match our growth as a company and artists!
- 89 in stock
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Bast - Egyptian Pantheon
Bast, lady of cats. This is the sixth design of our Divine Evolution line, and 2 of 2 of the Egyptian Patheon.
- 86 in stock
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Luvashi the Space Raptor
Our third Divine Intervention sock, funded entirely by a customer, Luvashi the Space Raptor. This is the eighteenth design of our Divine Evolution line, featuring a curious feathered alien who loves to travel the stars. To learn more about the character, visit: https://gyro.tech/luvashi
- 86 in stock
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Gaia - Greek Pantheon
Gaia, the mother of all. This is the first design of our Divine Evolution line, and 1 of 4 of the Greek Patheon.
- 84 in stock
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Goo Monster
Our fifth poll sock, the Goo Monster. This is the fourteenth design of our Divine Evolution line, featuring a slimy but friendly church grim who will show you the way to safety.
- 71 in stock
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TES - Apple Horse (Orange)
Adult medium, orange thigh-high socks with a three-apple mark, celebrating the magic of friendship and technicolor horses.
- 13 in stock
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Chloe the Cougar
Adult medium, tan half-calf socks with pawpad print, design based on Cougars, Mountain Lions, or Pumas, depending on what you call them.
- 12 in stock
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Tree's Commission sock
We've found a new US-based supplier which will greatly shorten the supply chain, and better yet, provide us a new, smaller minimum order, so hopefully we'll be able to produce more socks more frequently and also restock or redesign the old stuff! Your support on this project will enable future designs as well.
- 7 in stock
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TES - Fashion Horse (White)
Adult medium, white thigh-high socks with a tri diamond mark, celebrating the magic of friendship and technicolor horses.
- 5 in stock
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Fiona the Fox
Adult medium, red-brown half-calf socks with pawpad print, inspired by the red fox.
- Currently out of stock
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Walker the Wolf
Adult medium, gray on gray design with white and black accents, inspired by the gray wolf.
- Currently out of stock
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Derek the Drake
Adult medium, black and gray, inspired by dragons and drakes of yore, featuring a scale and claw pattern.
- Currently out of stock
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Jamie the Blue Jay
Adult medium, blue, black, and white socks inspired by the North American Blue Jay.
- Currently out of stock
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Lydia the Snow Leopard
Adult medium, gray with black and white accents, inspired by snow leopards.
- Currently out of stock
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Beatrice the Bunny
Adult medium, brown-orange with white and pink accents, based on common pet rabbits.
- Currently out of stock
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Tyler the Tiger
Adult medium, black, orange, and cream, based on Bengal Tigers.
- Currently out of stock
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Oscar the Otter
Adult medium, shades of brown and white with black pawpads, inspired by otters.
- Currently out of stock
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Renate the Red Raccoon
Adult medium, red with cream socks and black pawpads, inspired by the vibrant characters people make on the internet.
- Currently out of stock
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Dell the Deer
Adult medium, unisex, brown and tan with white and dark brown accents, inspired by wild deer.
- Currently out of stock
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Anubis the Jackal
Adult medium, black and gold, inspired by the Egyptian God Anubis, as well as the beauty of the night and the moon.
- Currently out of stock
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Harold the Horse
Adult medium, brown and white with gray tips, inspired by draft horses.
- Currently out of stock
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Bast the Cat
Adult medium, lavender and lilac with red, inspired by the Egyptian Goddess Bast and the elegance of the morning sun.
- Currently out of stock
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Carol the Canine
Adult medium, black, brown, orange, and tan, inspired by domestic dogs such as the Doberman or German Shepherd.
- Currently out of stock
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Charles the Cat
Adult medium, black and white with pink pawpads, intentionally simple, inspired by housecats with 'sock' fur patterns.
- Currently out of stock
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TES - Fast Horse (Blue)
Adult medium, blue thigh-high socks with a cloud and rainbow lightning bolt mark, celebrating the magic of friendship and technicolor horses.
- Currently out of stock
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TES - Clever Horse (Gray)
Adult medium, gray thigh-high socks with a bubbly bubble mark, celebrating the magic of friendship and technicolor horses.
- Currently out of stock
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TES - Magic Horse (Purple)
Adult medium, purple thigh-high socks with a six-star, sparkly mark, celebrating the magic of friendship and technicolor horses.
- Currently out of stock
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TES - Fun Horse (Pink)
Adult medium, pink thigh-high socks with a multi-colored balloon mark, celebrating the magic of friendship and technicolor horses.
- Currently out of stock
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TES - Timid Horse (Yellow)
Adult medium, yellow thigh-high socks with tri butterfly mark, celebrating the magic of friendship and technicolor horses.
- Currently out of stock
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